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CSU Extension - A division of the Office of Engagement. Providing trusted, practical education to help you solve problems, develop skills and build a better future.
Established 1908

Fernbush   arrow

Chamaebatiaria millefolium

Scientific NameChamaebatiaria millefolium
Common NameFernbush
HabitDeciduous shrub in colder areas but evergreen in warmer
Growth FormGenerally multistemmed, upright, rounded form and sweetly aromatic. Leaves alternate, small, 2-8 cm long, compound (bipinnately) with lobed or wavy margins light green above, pale-pubescent below, sticky. Millefolium: many leaves; literally, with a thousand leaves
Mature SizeHeight: 3-5′ Width: 3-5′
FlowersShowy White. Blooms July to August.
HardinessZones 4b-8
Sun RequirementsFull Sun, Partial Sun.
Water RequirementsModerate to xeric. Drought resistant / waterwise.
Soil RequirementsSandy, Clay, Average soils.
Other InfoDeer resistant attracts butterflies attracts birds bee friendly Fragrant Native Evergreen.
Additional PhotosFernbush