Money is complicated. From creating a spending plan, financing an auto or home to investing and retirement, there is an abundance of topics to become familiar with when working towards fiscal well-being.
CSU Extension offers articles, videos and other resources to help you take control of your personal finances.
Financial Literacy Classes
In partnership with the Adams County Workforce and Business Center, CSU Extension offers a series of financial literacy topics taught virtually via Zoom:
- Budgeting Tips
- Credit: Know Before You Owe
- Credit Report and Scores
- Money and Stress
- Eat Healthy on a Budget
- Saving for Retirement 101
To sign up for classes, please register with Connecting Colorado https://www.connectingcolorado.com/
Credit Report
Due to the pandemic, you can access you credit report free weekly until April 2022. Visit: https://www.annualcreditreport.com/index.action
Consumer Protection Programs
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
Recorded Webinars
Social Security is a source of income for many retirees, learn the basics on Social Security benefits and supplementing with employer sponsored retirement plan
We all need credit to finance large purchases, learn the five C’s of borrowing from the lender’s perspective.
5 Steps to Create a Spending Plan
No matter what type of budgeting system you use, they all have similar components, learn the five parts to create a budget or spending plan.
Learn where you can access your free credit report and the five factor that influence your credit score.