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CSU Extension - A division of the Office of Engagement. Providing trusted, practical education to help you solve problems, develop skills and build a better future.
Established 1908

Chocolate Flower   arrow

Berlandiera lyrata

Chocolate Flower
Scientific NameBerlandiera lyrata
Common NameChocolate Flower
HabitMounded, coarse, gray-green foliage has a chocolate aroma.
Growth FormVelvety-leaved Perennial. Short branches at base and longer leaning branches ending in leafless stalks topped by flowers.
Mature SizeHeight: 12-20″ Width: 12-20″
FlowersDark-eyed, yellow daisies over a compact rosette of foliage. Flowering June to Frost. Rich chocolate aroma.
HardinessZones 4-9
Sun RequirementsFull Sun to Partial Shade
Water RequirementsDry to xeric, well drained
Soil RequirementsWell drained clay, sandy, average soil
Other InfoDeer resistant
Attracts butterflies, birds
Bee friendly
Additional PhotosChocolate Flower