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Established 1908

New Mexico Privet   arrow

Forestiera neomexicana

Scientific NameForestiera neomexicana
Common NameNew Mexico Privet (Desert Olive)
HabitA spiny branching deciduous shrub that develops great character with age.
It can be grown in a dense hedge, or pruned to form a twisting,
multi-stemmed small tree.
Growth FormWhite bark and glowing bright yellow fall colors.
Female plants produce considerable quantities of
blue-black berries that are eaten by birds.
Mature SizeHeight: 12-18′ Width: 12′
FlowersYellow-white flowers appearing before leaves.
Bloom Time: Early to late spring
HardinessZones 4-9
Sun RequirementsFull Sun; Morning Sun & Afternoon shade.
Water RequirementsDrought Resistant / Waterwise.
Although drought tolerant, regular watering
will help the plant to thrive and fill out quickly.
Soil RequirementsSandy Soil, Clay Soil, Average Soil
Other InfoLow maintenance, low water, high beauty factor.
Common uses are in shrub borders, native plantings,
hedges, xeriscapes, and as an accent.