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CSU Extension - A division of the Office of Engagement. Providing trusted, practical education to help you solve problems, develop skills and build a better future.
Established 1908

Viburnum ‘Mini Man’   arrow

Viburnum burejaeticum ‘P017S’

Viburnum 'Mini Man'
Scientific NameViburnum burejaeticum ‘P017S’
Common NameViburnum ‘Mini Man’
Growth FormMedium green felty leaves in summer,
clusters of white flowers in spring,
persistent red to blu-black fruit and red fall color.
Mature SizeHeight: 4-6′ Width: 4-6′
FlowersWhite. Bloom Time: Early to mid May
HardinessZones 3-7
Sun RequirementsFull to Partial Sun
Water RequirementsModerate to xeric
Soil RequirementsClay, Loam, Sandy Soil
Other InfoNo Annual Maintenance but can be lightly sheared if desirable.
Deer Resistant, Good for pollination.
Additional PhotosViburnum 'Mini Man'