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CSU Extension - A division of the Office of Engagement. Providing trusted, practical education to help you solve problems, develop skills and build a better future.
Established 1908

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Achillea Millefolium

Scientific NameAchillea Millefolium
Common NameYarrow
FamilyAsteraceae (Aster)
Growth FormUpright
Mature Size2-3’ High, 2-3’ Wide
FlowersSummer to Fall, White & Pink
HardinessZones 3-9
Sun RequirementsFull Sun
Water RequirementsDry to Medium
Soil RequirementsWell Drained
Other InfoAlso Known As Milfoil,
Easy To Grow,
Excellent Cut Or Dried Flower,
Resistant To Deer & Rabbits
Additional PhotosYarrow